Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mr. Rex

A disclaimer:  I am not a writer.  I have eloquent things to say in my mind but when it comes out of my mouth or fingers on the keyboard it is a sometimes a mangled mess.  I hope the thoughts of what I type will override the grammar mistakes and you will understand what I mean more than noticing how I say it.

I was not able to update my blog while on our trip.  I had my Ipad and it just would not cooperate with BlogSpot. 
Our mission trip was FANTASTIC!  We grew, we loved, we served...we did it all!  Before I get to my pictures and details of the work we did (and the fun we had) I want to tell you about a man we met.

Mr. Rex.  I don't have a picture of him to share with you but I will always see his smiling face in my mind.  Mr. Rex is from First Baptist Church O'Donnell in O'Donnell, Texas. He said it is a small church.  I can find a Facebook page for them but no website.   They have a 'shower trailer' that they use for ministry.  Mr. Rex and others travel to disaster areas and offer a place to shower.  The trailer also houses two washers and dryers.  Mr. Rex is an older man...  I would guess early 70s.  He cleaned the showers and offered freshly laundered towels, insisting we not use our own...'save those...you may need them later'. Sometimes Mr. Rex will spend weeks at a time away from his own home. The first time we met him we sat and visited as we waited our turn to shower.  He explained that he was too old and it was too hard for him  to go and pick up bricks, clean lots, or do much in the way of physical labor.  BUT....he could man the shower trailer and wash clothes. 

This man is being the hands and feet of Jesus just as much as we were.  How many times do we say "I can't do that" when asked to do a job but we never think of what we CAN do.   We dismiss the job without a second thought...oh, let someone younger, more able, with more talent, etc.  We let someone else do the job period.

We never offer what we CAN do.  What we CAN do may be just as important as what we are asked to do but we don't step up. What if we all stepped up to do the work?  What if we all offered to be the hands and feet of Jesus wherever we go?  Man, what a witness we could be! What work could be done for Jesus!

Mr. Rex couldn't do physical labor but he could wash clothes.  What a servant!   And, he doesn't wash clothes at home.  Just ask him!   But, he sure washed our clothes with a smile on his face.  He washed, he dried and he even hung up those clothes that we asked him not to dry.  What a gift to us after working all day in the heat and rain. 

I want you to think of what you can do next time you are asked to do something. There is always something that you can do....just ask Mr. Rex!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Trying this blogging thing.....again

As you can see I am off to a speedy start!  Began the blog in 2010.  Posted once in 2011.  And, here we are again in 2013!  Wow, no wonder I don't have any followers! 
I still feel the same way I did in 2011....where do I start?  What journey will I talk about?  I do know what I am telling you about first!

I am leaving for a mission trip in about an hour.  I was going to take my journal with me but then remembered I had this blog.  Remembered I had a blog?haha!    This is the perfect way to share my experiences with you while I am gone.  I post some on Facebook but hopefully will be able to share the 'full story' here.  I am going with Fellowship Baptist Church in Bridge City, Texas to West, Texas. Not West Texas...not The Wild West of Texas....the town of West in Texas!  The Texas Baptists (organization) coordinates churches to disaster sites to work and help in recovery.  I never thought I would want to go to a place that is having temps in the low 100s....yes 100s...and work.  Really...not even visit.  This is the time of year I want to spend in my cold a/c or in my pool!  Yet, when I was invited to go on this trip I felt a leap in my heart and immediately said YES!  I couldn't imagine not going! I am sad that Craig and Rylie cannot go with me to share in this experience but have no doubt I am supposed to go.  God has given me verses all week confirming that I am to go...go and share the Word and love on His people.  And that is what I'm going to do! 

Monday, January 24, 2011

A little background....

I started this blog about a year ago but never posted...never. I just couldn't find a jumping off point. Where should I start? My family now?....back to when I was in my 20's?....should I tell you all about my kids? Just where????? I never could find a place so I just didn't post. I would look at the blog and think...Journey of the George's...well, what journey should I talk about? We have a lot of journeys in our family. I am guessing I will get to all of them at some time or another. For now, let's just start with Sunday's post!